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So I plan to travel on a low budget of £500 per month as I travel around each country to see how much you can actually afford to spend to get around South East Asia

After all not everyone has the luxury of a good savings account or trust fund to rely on.

If you, like me have worked all your life with little to show for things in today’s world, then this is for you🖕

For a fraction of the cost you think,  I believe enjoying a holiday in South East Asia is not only possible but a few steps away

Not sure if it’s for you?

Then check out my posts, videos, and photos of places, food, and the culture so you can make up your own mind.

In the comfort of your own home.

Comment, like or dislike.

Ask questions and then hopefully you will have a greater understanding of what is over here.

Whether you are like me and are wanting to do the trip solo or with friends, the options are here

Everything is new to me

Having never done anything like this before in terms of writing a journal and documenting what I do and how I do it, I would imagine as I progress the posts will get better, I hope 🙄

The photos will get clearer and capture more of what I am seeing in this lovely part of the world.🙂

And hopefully, the information will be more accurate or links to where you can find out more if you are interested.

During my trip, I will try to improve my posts by updating them when I feel they are missing vital information that may help anyone or I feel I can give it a different perspective on things.