Many legends surround this island.
All involving turtles, hence why it is called Kusu which means turtle or tortoise in Chinese and why it has a preserve here.

Go visit and enjoy the calm quiet atmosphere along with the Muslim Kramat atop 152 steps.
Where it is said couples come to make a wish to start a family or childless couples who pray to be blessed.
Along with a Chinese Temple and beautiful clean beaches it is an ideal location to swim, relax and sunbath away from the metropolis of Singapore
See the Turtles basking in the sun or retreating to the shade of their enclosure
The food area was under construction when I visited in September.
So next year I would imagine there would be better facilities for you to rest and eat, as you can spend time on the beach and catch the boat back later in the day.

Graham, September 2018
“Aim to catch the early ferry it will give you more time, and if you see everything earlier enough you can hop on the ferry to St. John Island in the afternoon and look around there”
Directions to get here
- Head to Marina South Pier (next to MRT station)
- uy a ticket from the Singapore Island cruise kiosk
- Boat leaves at 10 am and 2 pm
- Remember to check the last boat back which is around 4 pm
- Cost is approx S$18 return for adults
- S$12 for childern 1-12 years old
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